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Extend Your Living Space to Enjoy the Outdoors

Travis and Williamson County residents love enjoying the beautiful Texas weather throughout the year. Tier1 Group can ensure you experience it in style and comfort with outdoor living space design and construction. Regardless of the size or scope of the project, you can count on our knowledgeable and skilled team for reliable service and high-quality additions. You never want your outdoor living space to look like an afterthought. Discover how we can seamlessly extend your living space to the outdoors.

screened in porch

Popular Outdoor Living Options

Make your outdoor space the life of the party with our custom-built outdoor living solutions. The layout and design of our completed projects will fit seamlessly with your existing home. Our collaborative approach ensures you’re kept up-to-date on the project’s status throughout the entire design and construction process. Some of the most popular outdoor living options we offer include:

  • Outdoor Family Room
  • Outdoor Fireplace
  • Decks & Patios
  • Garden Arbor
  • Patio Cover
  • Pool House
  • Solarium
  • Pergola
outdoor living area

Creative Solutions for Your Outdoor Space

For many homeowners looking to extend the usable space of their home, the outdoors offers a tempting opportunity to boost property value, create a personal retreat, and experience nature’s beauty. At Tier1 Group, you can count on our knowledgeable and experienced contractors for high-quality building solutions and stunning products that transform your unused outdoor space into a focal point of your home. Speak to one of our design professionals today and get started on designing your outdoor living area.

Outdoor Kitchens

Turn your outdoor space into a functional, multi-use focal point with a new outdoor kitchen installation. Our team can customize a design that suits your home and your needs. Whether you want something simple, such as a built-in outdoor grill or a complete kitchen setup with a fridge, stovetop, and counter space, you can count on us to design and build it for you. Speak to a member of our team to get started on your design.

Local Full-Service Residential Remodeling Company