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Our Mission

Our mission at Tier1 Group to provide superior construction services to customers who fit our organizations values. We strive to exceed expectations with our focus on professionalism, clear communication, quality, and craftsmanship.

Beautiful new kitchen countertop

Our Goal

Tier1 Group’s Goal is to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. We understand that your home is an important investment in your family’s future.

Who We Are

Tier1 Group is an award-winning builder that has been serving the Austin area since 1996. Our strategic alliance with highly skilled professionals provides our clients with the highest quality of customer service. Each member of our team brings unique experiences and skills to provide an exceptional building experience.

We understand our clients’ homes are an important investment in their family’s future, and because of this we take all projects personally. Tier1 Group understands the importance of clearly communicating and educating our clients to make sure their needs and requirements are understood and exceeded. We believe solid relationships are the foundation for successful projects.

Tier1 Group has earned a reputation for exceptional customer service and the highest quality construction, creating a trusted relationship throughout the industry. Our services range from new construction to remodeling, and additions to outdoor kitchens, Tier1 is proud to service our Austin area families.

We look forward to meeting with you and helping you with all your home and construction needs.

bill mchugh

About Bill

Bill McHugh is a fourth generation builder; it’s got to be in his blood. Bill’s passion for building started as a young boy working with his father building homes from the ground up. However, his father insisted that he not go into the construction industry. So, Bill decided to take a different direction in life by enlisting in the Air Force only to discover technology and another opportunity to build.

After the Air Force Bill went back to school to study technology and was quickly hired by one of the largest technology companies in the world, IBM. Bill ventured out with a small group of partners and started a small technology research and development company in Austin, Texas. In the mid to late 90’s, Bill’s company was developing web applications for Microsoft, who at the time did not have any web presence. He spent the next couple of years working with high tech startups raising capital and heading up a development department for an online pharmaceutical company.

In the mid 90’s Bill started a small construction company. Once he decided to start his construction career Bill felt education was essential to be in the construction industry so, that was his first goal. He attended the University of Illinois to study passive home design. Bill sat on the National Green Build subcommittee in Washington D.C., became a member of the National Association of Home Builders, and is nationally certified in the construction industry. He is an active member of Texas Association of Builders, and was the president of Austin Home Builders Remodeling Council for 5 years. Bill helped build the remodeling association, which became nationally recognized.

Bill’s deep rooted values in faith, family, and community have resulted in his involvement as secretary and treasurer of the Mitte Foundation, a non-profit family foundation focused on education. Bill also headed up their International Habitat for Humanity program taking students around the world. For over five years Bill helped Habitat for Humanity with Jimmy Carter builds in Mexico, rebuilding an apartment complex in Romaine, and sustainable building in New Zealand.

Bill currently sits on the Family Elder Care and Lyons Garden boards where he can better understand our aging populations needs, and how to help make their homes a safer place.

Bill McHughBill McHugh has brought together a consortium of licensed and highly skilled professionals to provide the highest quality service. Some of the Certifications held by Bill include:

  • Certified Graduate Remodeler (CGR)
  • Master Certified Green Professional (CGP)
  • Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS) & (CAPS II)
  • Licensed Lead-Safe Remodeler
  • RESNET Accredited Home Energy Rating System Rater/Field Inspector
  • Graduate of Passive Housing Institute
  • Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) Pilot Program Extended Area

Local Full-Service Residential Remodeling Company